New Cat digger and more storage space | StockRock

New Cat digger and more storage space


Posted 29 August 2017

Unbelievably difficult summer, autumn and winter weather for dairy farmers has had a hugely detrimental effect on farm races all over New Zealand. Thank goodness we have managed to provide clients with StockRock from our fantastic storage sheds. Without these oversize facilities we would have struggled to keep Rock going out the gate.

The tough workload has meant we have been required to upgrade our old Cat digger to a newer version, just to keep up.

We are also looking at increasing our storage space again, due to the demand that will follow all this wet weather we have had in the last 12 months.

We feel it is critical to be able to supply Rock as dry as possible all year around, to best service your farms requirements. Give Shane a call if you need advice and would like a free, no obligation farm race evaluation. 0800 88 55 55