Rotten Rock Brown Rock Farm Race Surface Vs StockRock | StockRock

Rotten Rock vs StockRock

Rotten Rock For Farm Races & Tracks VS StockRock

StockRock vs Rotten RockRotten Rock, Brown Rock, Brown Rubble are all terms farmers are familiar with for surfacing farm races, tracks, driveways and other traffic areas.

Saprolite is the scientific name and it comes from the Greek which literally means “rotten rock”. Saprolites form in the lower zones of soil horizons and result from deep weathering of the bedrock surface. Brown Rock is a by-product of most Blue Metal and is very hard to get “just right” at these quarries. As a result of this, it’s rarely successful long term for farm races and tracks as its either too hard or too soft.

StockRock is a special industrial mineral that is more consistent and has special qualities where it does not break down as quickly as Rotten Rock. The StockRock mineral Zeolite is mined anywhere in the 40m high quarry face. Brown Rock is extracted from the upper layers of the quarry and blended with the softer and harder transition layers from above and below the good stuff, which makes it more viable for sale to those types of quarries.

Stockrock is mostly used in the first 100-200m from any dairy shed, cattle underpass, bridges or concrete races. This is because when farmers use StockRock they don’t get hard blue stones on their concrete areas which cause bruising and ultimately lame cows. Because of the big improvement in cowflow, farmers then often choose to cover more and more of their race area than the immediate areas around the cowshed.

StockRock vs Rotten Rock on Farmrace2