Allan and Sandra Crouch | StockRock

StockRock Endorsements

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  • Name: Allan and Sandra Crouch
  • Location: Orini

We put StockRock on our races in October 2013. We had tried many alternatives, lime rock, soft brown, foot baths, and rubber mats over a number of years but still had a major lameness problem. Our farm is 2.8km to the back paddock, so need good races and minimal foot trouble. Since the StockRock went down, the cows move down the race the best I have seen. Lameness has significantly reduced, effluent on the race is now insignificant, and time travelling to and from the paddocks has reduced. After procrastinating over the cost of the StockRock for a number of years, we are very glad we laid it this year and wish it had been done earlier. I intend to lay more in the future using the 65mm product.